We are a group of Grade 6 students here at École Golden Gate. Every day offers a new challenge as we make our way through our first year of Middle School together! Please take a look around our blog to see what we've been up to!

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Roots Pre-Visit, Science and Mathé basic facts!

Happy Tuesday!
Today Mme Bees came to visit us for our Roots of Empathy lesson. The theme today was baby milestones and safety. We brainstormed a list of things babies learn as they grow (crawling, walking, talking, etc) and then worked in groups to discuss all of the different potential "baby dangers" in our homes and how we need to prepare each room to keep baby safe.

In Science we started learning the properties of air and had fun moving around the classroom to show the difference between hot air (particles move fast, rise and separate) and cold air (particles move slowly, fall and move closer together).

In Math, we tackled a tricky mental math strategy involving multiplication and larger numbers. We reviewed that we can break larger numbers into smaller chunks (into their place values) before multiplying and adding them together to find the answer. While the strategy itself is something that will come with practice, a solid understanding of basic facts is what will facilitate using this strategy. Reviewing basic multiplication facts on a daily basis (even 5 minutes every evening) will truly make a world of difference! This can even be something that is done in the car on the way to soccer, swimming, piano or dance. Flash cards, using a deck of cards and playing "multiplication war" or even finding a fun iPad app are all great options. Find something that works and stick with it! You'll notice a world of difference... Promise! :)

Have a great afternoon, Gators!

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