We are a group of Grade 6 students here at École Golden Gate. Every day offers a new challenge as we make our way through our first year of Middle School together! Please take a look around our blog to see what we've been up to!

Monthly Newsletter

Tuesday, September 29

Hello families!

A student-parent questionnaire, as well as the course outlines for Français, Mathé and Science were sent home with your students Monday, September 21. Many of the questionnaires have already come back, but if you are still hanging on to yours, please try to part with it by the end of the week! :)
I do have extra copies at school in case the originals have been misplaced, or you can find both of the documents by clicking on the following links:

Cover Letter


Course outline and classroom beliefs

Once I have a complete email contact list ready to go, I'll be sending out a test email to ensure I've correctly entered everyone's addresses so that we can keep in touch as our school year together moves along. It is also my hope to soon touch base with each of you individually to let you know how our Grade 6 year is going thus far. We are already accomplishing many great things in our classroom and I look forward to sharing them with you!

A more detailed update about our September successes and our plans for October will be posted soon. Check back often to make sure you are the most up-to-date person on the block! :)

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