We are a group of Grade 6 students here at École Golden Gate. Every day offers a new challenge as we make our way through our first year of Middle School together! Please take a look around our blog to see what we've been up to!

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Taking Science Outside!

What better way to learn Science and celebrate the beautiful sunny weather than to get outside!

Here we are measuring out the length of the Hindenburg!
After reading that the Hindenburg measured 245 m long, we needed to put that into perspective. We discovered that the field behind our school is only 166m long, so the Hindenburg was even longer than our whole school and then some! Wow!

We also headed outside to play tug of war! (Sorry about the grass stains, families)! Playing tug of war simulates the different forces in effect when we talk about how objects heavier than air (air craft, animals, etc) fly. We will draw out our tug-of-war wins and defeats using vector diagrams and will then begin learning the four forces of flight and how those same vector diagrams can indicate a flying object's direction of movement. Cool!
Boys vs Girls!
 We are determined to win!
We are using all of our strength! Pull! 

And, with a new month upon us, a fabulous class photo was certainly in order! 
We think we look 8-months-of-being-in-Grade-6 smarter, don't you?

Have a great week everyone! :)

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